Emotions and Engagement

Author: Nicole Lazzaro

Brief Introduction and Description of the Theory:

Nicole Lazzaro’s Disruption and Engagement Theory delves into the interplay between emotions and engagement in gaming. She identifies four key types of emotions (Hard Fun, Easy Fun, Serious Fun, and People Fun) that can be leveraged to heighten player engagement.

Conclusion of the Theory:

The theory emphasizes the need to craft games that emotionally and cognitively engage players by employing a variety of approaches to cater to different types of gamers.

Example Games Illustrating the Theory:

  • “Candy Crush” (Easy Fun)
  • “Dark Souls” (Hard Fun)
  • “Wii Fit” (Serious Fun)
  • “Among Us” (People Fun)

These titles exemplify how different games can appeal to varied emotional experiences to maintain player interest and engagement.

Implications for Game Design:

  1. Balance Between Challenge and Accessibility:

    • Introduce disruptive elements to challenge players while ensuring the game remains accessible and enjoyable.
    • Vary difficulty levels to keep players engaged without causing undue frustration.
  2. Diversification of Emotions:

    • Design game experiences that evoke a range of emotions (enjoyment, surprise, curiosity, challenge) to sustain interest and engagement.
    • Apply Nicole Lazzaro’s four types of emotions framework (Hard Fun, Easy Fun, Serious Fun, People Fun) to balance and enhance the gaming experience.
  3. Engagement through Storytelling and Narrative:

    • Incorporate narrative elements that foster emotional and cognitive engagement.
    • Craft stories and scenarios that engage players, motivate progression, and deepen immersion into the game’s world.
  4. Social Interaction:

    • Promote player interactions through multiplayer features, competitions, or social sharing.
    • Leverage “People Fun” to strengthen community bonds and engagement through shared experiences.
  5. Rewards and Recognition:

    • Implement a reward system that acknowledges players’ achievements in various ways (material rewards, social status, personal accomplishment).
    • Ensure rewards align with the game’s objectives and players’ motivations.
  6. Innovation and Exploration:

    • Encourage exploration and experimentation within the game through innovative gameplay mechanics and surprising elements.
    • Allow players to discover new ways to play and solve problems within the game’s universe.
  7. Constructive and Adaptive Feedback:

    • Provide feedback that helps players understand their mistakes and improve.
    • Adjust challenges and feedback based on players’ progression and responses to maintain optimal engagement levels.

By integrating the principles of Disruption and Engagement Theory, game developers can create more emotionally resonant and engaging gaming experiences that cater to a diverse audience.