Symbolic Play

Symbolic Play Theory in Game Design by Jean Piaget


Symbolic play theory is a concept introduced by the renowned psychologist Jean Piaget in the realm of child development. Essentially, it suggests that young children engage in role-playing and imaginative games to understand and make sense of the world around them. This theory has been widely recognized and applied in the field of game design, particularly in the creation of video games and tabletop games.

Conclusion of the Theory:

In essence, the Symbolic Play theory emphasizes the importance of imaginative and mimetic play in a child’s cognitive development. By role-playing various scenarios, children learn to adapt, problem-solve, and think abstractly. This principle has been leveraged in the design of games to evoke emotions, challenge players’ intellect, and provide immersive experiences.

Implications to RPG Designers:

Character Development:

In Role-Playing Games (RPGs), players often take on the persona of a character with their unique traits and abilities. Designers can incorporate rich character development elements to encourage players to immerse themselves in the game world.

Questing and Exploration:

Drawing inspiration from children’s imaginative play, RPG designers can create elaborate quests and open-world environments that allow players to explore, discover, and interact with the game world.


Similar to children who engage in pretend play to make decisions, RPG designers can introduce decision-making mechanics that shape the storyline and character progression based on players’ choices.

Examples and Game References:

  • The Legend of Zelda Series: Encourages exploration and problem-solving through immersive gameplay.
  • Dungeons & Dragons: Allows players to create and develop unique characters while engaging in collaborative storytelling.
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Offers players complex moral choices that impact the game’s narrative and outcomes.

In conclusion, Jean Piaget’s Symbolic Play theory has significantly influenced the field of game design, particularly in the realm of RPGs. By understanding and leveraging the principles of imaginative play, designers can create engaging, immersive, and intellectually stimulating gaming experiences for players of all ages.